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Everyday we get requests from partners, the community, and individuals for help with animals. Donations help us to fulfill those requests and enable us to help more animals and their companion person. Please consider becoming a Pawsitively Awesome Monthly Donor and become a hero to an animal in our community. 

SAve a life

How Your Donations Save Lives

"One of the reasons I founded The Runaways was to help as many animals as possible. That includes the animals that require severe medical care.  I have a special place in my heart for the ones that need us the most and with your support we can continue to rehabilitate animals like Salt, Peppercorn, and Paprika." (video)

Danielle Giroux, Founder & CEO

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©2024 The Runaways Animal Rescue
The Runaways Animal Rescue Welcomes and Accepts everyone! 
LGBTQIA+ - Black Lives Matter - Hate Has No Home Here 

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